
Comments (1)

Meryl Geffner said

at 8:21 am on Jun 29, 2009

Project 1: Librarian Meryl Geffner worked with English faculty member Nancy Kennedy to develop Information Literacy based instruction and assignments and authentic assessment for two of her English 205 courses. We identified two competencies to focus on for this project: (1) Understanding the differences between articles from a journal and a magazine and how that impacts the type of information [ACRL IL Standard 1]; and (2) how to thoroughly evaluate their different sources and decided which to use based on that evaluation [ACRL Standard 3]. Both classes had two sessions in the library with the librarian and were given assignments to be completed in a few days (described in detail in the Assessment section). The report and supporting documents are posted to the EdCC page.

Project 2: Librarian Johnetta Moore worked with two faculty members from Developmental Education to develop Information Literacy based instruction and assignments that included integrated assessments. The assignments assessed information literacy for two classes: EdCap 095 and EdCap 096. Report pending.

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