

Page history last edited by Lynn Kanne 7 years, 1 month ago

Washington State Community and Technical Colleges

LSTA Grant - 2008-2012

Library as Instructional Leader:

Transforming Pedagogy and Curriculum with Information Literacy


Final Reporting - 2008-2012


Project Summary

The project’ focused on developing a research plan for documenting the impacts of information literacy instruction on basic skills students and continuing assessment efforts by supporting collaborations between library faculty and discipline faculty. The basic skills research, later named Pre-College Information Literacy Research (PILR), was conducted over multiple years of the grant period. Each year, mini-grants encouraged library faculty to focus on different areas of information literacy.  Full-day workshops were designed to support major themes each year, and in summer of year three (2011), a modified ACRL Immersion program was offered to re-establish base knowledge among CTC librarians. Additional focused projects engaged library faculty in developing tools and resources to serve all CTC libraries.


PILR Report

From 2009 to 2012, library and discipline faculty from Washington State Community and Technical Colleges participated in a grant-funded project to document the impacts of library instruction on basic skills students. Over three years, the project engaged 44 library and discipline faculty teams to design, implement, and assess information literacy assignments in ABE, ESL, and developmental education classes. Each team was free to design instruction appropriate to its needs, but assignments were required to address a common set of assessable student learning outcomes and use a common rubric. Over at least three quarters each, teams collected and reported data on student achievement of information literacy outcomes. The resulting data was compared with statewide data for similar students. The findings suggest that participation in the PILR project resulted in considerably greater progress and achievement as measured by student achievement points. Discipline faculty also reported that the assessment and improvement process in partnership with library faculty benefitted their teaching and their students.


Library Self Evaluations



2011-2012 Activities


  1. Fall 2011 Workshop - Highline CC - Presentations and Links from the workshop are posted.
  2. 2011-2012 Mini-Grants
  3. PILR (Pre-college Information Literacy)
  4. IL Articles - Info & Links - available now
  5. CTC Knowledge Management System Feasibility Study - available now
  6. Participating Library Self-Evaluation / Wrap Up Activity


2010-2011 Activities

  1. Dipping into ACRL Immersion
  2. Copyright Instruction Suite - available now (email Lynn to request files)
  3. Rising Junior IL Outcomes - available now
  4. Accreditation Toolkit 


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About the LSTA Grant

The LMDC has received LSTA funding to continue IL activities from 2008-2012. Washington State community and technical college libraries who have agreed to participate will engage in the following activities:

  1. Continuing the assessment work started in grant #1.
  2. Furthering the Rising Junior discussions with the baccalaureate institutions.
  3. Conducting research and designing best practices that determine the library and the librarians’ contributions to Basic Skills student achievement. (Developmental Education, ESL, and ABE).
  4. Developing methods and models for leading and implementing process-based pedagogies on our campuses (Inquiry-based learning, Problem-based learning, Resource-based learning, etc. )


Participating Colleges 2008-2012 & Grant Summary


Grant Report for 2003-2008 - documents findings and activities over 5 years of information literacy efforts at the Washington Community and Technical Colleges.



*Activities are contingent upon continued LSTA funding provided through the State Library.


This Wiki supports the work of an LSTA Grant for "Information Literacy in Washington Community and Technical Colleges". This is a resource for us to post materials that we are working on in order to have an open, online, and collaborative clearinghouse.

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