
Mini Grants for Winter and Spring 2012

Page history last edited by Lynn Kanne 12 years, 3 months ago


Grant Reports for 2012


2012 Mini-Grant Guidelines


In this final year of the current LSTA grant, the mini-grant opportunity is intended to encourage libraries to make progress on a strategy within their IL plans by building upon previous LSTA activities or pursuing the next logical step in support of that plan. ** Note: Mini-Grants are not offered in support of creating the IL plan itself - only for carrying out activities defined by the plan. **


At the same time, libraries are strongly encouraged to consider projects that generate or use assessment data that demonstrates the role of the library in student success. Please view this video message from Deb Gilchrist for more details.


We strongly encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-college efforts that involve multiple discipline faculty and extend beyond individual collaborations between a librarian and a faculty member for a particular class. Some possible projects include (but are not limited to):


  • Developing model IL rubric(s) for use in assignment/lesson/curriculum planning
  • Creating/offering related professional development opportunities for discipline faculty
  • Offering curriculum revision opportunities for discipline faculty
  • Collaborating with discipline faculty to create instructional tools, such as web-based resource pages, toolkits, tutorials, quizzes, etc. 


Funding is provided primarily for faculty time on these projects; it may not be used for equipment or supplies. Projects must be completed and posted to the college project page by the posted due date .


To apply, submit the online proposal form. Questions can be sent to Lynn Kanne (lynn.kanne@seattlecolleges.edu). Initially, grants up to $1300 will be awarded to each college. Additional proposals will be considered as funding allows starting January 13, 2012.


Reimbursements will be paid to the college library after the project is completed and a report has been submitted.


  • Proposal Form (for corrections or additions, submit the form again and choose the type of request.
  • Report Form - please use this form to report your project. Place related files and links on your LSTA projects page.
  • Reimbursement Request


IMPORTANT: include your college's name in the file name whenever you upload files to the wiki.


2012 Project Proposals


Requested 12/1/2011 2:52:13 PM

Rachel Goon

Tacoma Community College

Other Participants:

Becky Sproat -- librarian

Melissa Adams -- librarian

Kendall Reid -- librarian

Ken Fox (or other composition faculty) -- Humanities Program Chair

Project Description:

Our IL Plan calls for assessing the impact on student learning of two initiatives that we're piloting this year:  Libguides, and two 2-credit library research skills classes that will be linked with two sections of English 101 and 102 in Spring 2012.

IL Plan Goals:


Goal #1.  Create and assess the effectiveness of both "generic skill" and "assignment specific" libguides.

Goal #2. Develop and assess new 2-credit LS courses to link with one section each of Engl 101 and 102.  Teaching and preliminary assessment will happen  in Spring 2012.

Objectives for #1: In Winter and Spring, create at least 3 "generic skill" libguides, and at least 10 "assignment specific" libguides for faculty who teach fully-onlline classes, targeting in particular those faculty whom we don't frequently work with.  Assess impact of both types of libguides in Spring 2012 by looking at usage, and by student surveys.

Objectives for #2:  In Winter, determine which composition faculty we will partner with, and design curriculum for pilot courses.  In Spring, teach one section each of LS 101 and LS 102.  Collect and analyze preliminary data on impact on student learning in June 2012, through student opinion surveys and surveys of composition faculty partners.


Our intended outcomes for both of these projects is to develop ideas for improving our instruction, and to show the impact of library instruction on student learning.

We will also produce tools (Libguides) that can be improved and used (in part or in whole) for future classes, and curriculum for LS 101 and 102, which can be re-used and improved upon in future quarters.


We will know if we have achieved our outcomes by

1.  creating a document that demonstrates both usage of libguides and feedback from students and instructors about their helpfulness

2.  documenting and sharing ideas for improving our libguide design based on that feedback from students and instructors, and/or for different classes for whom we should do libguide outreach;

3.  creating a document that summarizes feedback from students and faculty about effectiveness of LS 101/102

4.  documenting and sharing ideas for improving instruction in LS 101 and 102, based on that student and faculty feedback and our own sense, to implement when we teach these again in Fall 2012



Funds will be used to pay for approximately 35 hours of adjunct time per Spring 2012, in order to give FT librarians time to create and assess libguides, and to teach and assess LS 101 and 102.

Total Request:


Request Type:

Initial proposal (before Dec. 15, 2011)



Requested 12/7/2011 11:48:10 AM

Quill West, Jana Lu Williams

Walla Walla Community College

Other Participants:

Rubric --> Je Salvador, Faculty; Lisa Chamberlin, Faculty

Review -->Stacy Prest, Interim Library Director; Marleen Ramsey, Vice President of Instruction; Nicholas Velluzzi, Director of Institutional Planning and Assessment

Project Description:

WWCC will develop an Information and Digital Competencies Rubric for use across our institution. We will pay stipends to two faculty librarians and two adjunct faculty members in composition who will work together to develop the rubric and promote it for use among all composition faculty. Then, we will begin to incorporate this rubric into our assessment plans for information and digital competencies across our entire curriculum.


IL Plan Goals:

In particular this project fits into our IL plan within our program goal to: Collaborate with key departments in order to implement incremental IL into specific courses.  One specific objective within this area is to: Capitalize on the English Department’s recent establishment of department-wide writing standards rubric in order to include IL Outcomes/standards to the same rubric.


Ultimately, we hope the rubric will be adopted by the WWCC Learning Outcomes Committee for measuring the Digital and Information Learning Outcome component of the WWCC AA/AS Degree Level Learning Outcomes, which is currently in the creation phase.  We believe this may result in either revisions to our Digital and Information Competency (DIC) rubric or a separate rubric based on our DIC rubric.



This project will result in a completed rubric for assessing digital and information literacy at WWCC. The goal is to develop a tool that will ease instructor concern over how to evaluate IL projects while ensuring that we have a way to define student success in IL.


We will know that we have achieved our outcome when the rubric is completed and faculty members have agreed to pilot it in their courses.


Stipends plus benefits for four faculty members to be divided equally from the maximum grant reimbursement of $1300.00.

Total Request:


Other Comments:


Request Type:

Initial proposal (before Dec. 15, 2011) REVISED 2/17/12



Requested 12/8/2011 2:36:38 PM

Laurie Shuster

Pierce College

Other Participants:

Jennifer Rohan, librarian

Emily Wood, librarian

Sarah Frye, librarian

Tracy McDonald, College Success faculty

Project Description:

Pierce College "College Success" (COLLG) program courses are designed to support the development of personal and academic skills that are fundamental to a successful college experience. Topics focus on transitioning to college, study skills, career development, college resources, communication skills and wellness issues.  These skills are vital to academic success at the community college level, as well as transfer to a 4-year institution.  For this project library faculty will continue working on a set of IL assignments used in 3 COLLG courses.  One assignment was completed in the spring 2011 mini-grant process.  During this grant cycle, we plan to redesign self paced assignments embedded in the other two college success courses and work with the instructor to explore ways of assessing student work.

IL Plan Goals:

In our Information Competency Plan we identified "working programmatically to integrate IL into the curriculum."  During the Spring 2011 grant we established a working relationship with the college success instructors.  We’d like to continue that work on the other two assignments through this current grant.

This project would allow us to continue exploring a more intentional model of IL instruction and assessment. Our hope is to improve the information skills that developmental students need in order to stay enrolled in college and working toward the completion of their degrees.


In the spring 2011 grant, we redesigned the library assignment for College Success 105.  In this grant we will redesign the remaining two assignments for the College Success series of classes to make them more meaningful for the students and for college level research.  We plan to develop prototypes of each assignment, pilot them with students, and explore ways to assess the students' work with College Success faculty.


We will know that the project has achieved its outcomes when:

- We have a complete series of assignments that are more meaningful to students, promotes student success and scaffolds instruction across the curriculum.

- We have assignments that have built-in instructional components to ensure that students have a way to learn the targeted skills.

-We’ll begin to work on gathering evidence of student performance on these library assignments.



During the spring 2011 grant process, we spent 65 hours to revise one assignment.  During this grant, we would like to revise 2 assignments.  We’re requesting the maximum amount for this grant which amounts to 44 hours of faculty time.  It will be divided between librarians and discipline faculty at a rate of $29.50/hour for both full-time and part-time faculty (this figure includes $25/hour for labor plus 18% for benefits).  The total amount requested is $1300.  If additional funds are available, we plan to submit a request for them after Jan 13, 2012.

Total Request:


Other Comments:

We anticipate that we will need to request additional funding after Jan 13, 2012.  An email message via CLAMS explaining when and how to apply for extra funds would be helpful.

Request Type:

Initial proposal (before Dec. 15, 2011)



Requested 12/8/2011 4:09:20 PM

Jane Blume

Bellingham Technical College

Other Participants:

Jane Blume, Director, Library and Media Services

Traci Collins, Librarian

Kathy Fullman, RN Nursing Instructor

Julie Samms, RN Nursing Instructor

Project Description:

1--BTC Nursing Department has received feedback from the BSN institutions where students have transferred that the LPN to RN Bridge graduates do not have enough research skills, especially in Evidence Based Practice in Nursing. We will work with the instructors to develop workshops, lesson plans, LibGuides, and rubrics for the first quarter and third quarter Leadership classes. Will conduct at least one telephone interview librarians who works with BSN students and evidence based practice to determine skills needed for research at the BSN level. (possibly UW-Bothell)

2--Create two surveys, one for students and one for faculty, to administer after IL workshops with classes.

IL Plan Goals:

From BTC's IL Action Plan:

1-D: Create student & faculty evaluations/surveys for post information literacy sessions

1-E: Continue to create subject, program, or course specific LibGuides

1-H: Continue to work with faculty or groups of faculty to create workshops/assignments/rubrics to infuse IL into their curriculum


1 -- Faculty and student evaluations to administer after IL sessions

2 -- Two evidence based practice in nursing assignments/workshops; the first would how to research, the second assignment would build on the first.

3 -- Rubrics for student and faculty to use with assignments

4 -- LibGuide on Evidence Based Practice for Nursing



1 -- Feedback from the evaluations when administered for both nursing classes and from other classes asked to evaluate

2 -- Written or oral feedback from faculty and students about the assignments and usefulness of the rubrics

3 -- LibGuides: number of times accessed and feedback from faculty and students


$1100 -- Stipends/substitutes to cover desk

  $200 -- Benefits (17%)


$1300 -- Total

Total Request:




Requested 12/14/2011 6:22:28 PM

Deborah Moore

Highline Community College

Other Participants:

•              At least one other librarian (in addition to Deb) will plan and participate in the series of workshops.

•              Faculty will apply to participate in a cohort during spring quarter. We will be able to accommodate up to four faculty (more if there are additional LSTA grant funds available by the time we begin the work in spring quarter – see below for more details on this).


Project Description:

We want to have a series of three workshops during spring quarter 2012 which will be attended by a cohort of faculty who want to work on in-depth revision of (or creation of) a research assignment for one of their courses, including revision/creation of how to assess the research assignment. The first workshop will cover a discussion of information literacy and its best practices. The second session will be devoted to faculty working individually or collaboratively to revise/create the research assignment. During the third session, faculty will discuss with the whole cohort that changes they made to their assignment and how those changes are working in the classroom (if they’re trying out the revision during spring quarter). Alternatively, we’ll ask for them to report back to us at the end of fall quarter to see how the changes affected student success on the assignment. Faculty will apply to be in the cohort by submitting an assignment they want to revise or an idea for a new assignment.

IL Plan Goals:

HCC students will develop Information Literacy skills both generally and specific to their majors/professions; they will develop these gradually over the course of their tenure at Highline.

•              We will have outcomes and levels of ability within those outcomes

•              We will assess generally and within the disciplines

This plan can possibly relate to both general IL skills as well as ones within the majors, depending on which faculty are chosen to participate in the cohort.



The outcome will be that faculty will get individualized assistance with revising/creating a research assignment to help students become more information literate. Faculty will also get assistance in revising/creating an assessment tool to measure student success in IL. If this cohort model is successful, we might be able to replicate it in the future using other sources of funding.


As we stated above, we will have faculty report back on the success of the revised/newly created research assignment and assessment tool. We will do our cohort planning during winter quarter 2012, which will give us time to prepare the materials for the workshop series as well as an assessment reporting tool of our own to gather this information.


The $1200 request will cover the following:

•              Three sessions

•              $100 per session per faculty member

•              Four faculty members

If there are additional LSTA grant funds available before we begin our project in spring quarter 2012, then we could accommodate more faculty members in the cohort.


Total Request:


Other Comments:

We will determine the application process for the cohort and the details of the three sessions during winter quarter 2012. The sessions will take place during spring quarter 2012.

Request Type:

Initial proposal (before Dec. 15, 2011)



Requested 12/14/2011 9:45:40 PM

Jody Segal

Green River Community College

Other Participants:

Michelle Marshman, History faculty

Jamie Fitzgerald, English faculty and chair of Writing Center

Project Description:

This project proposes putting together an interdisciplinary team of faculty to collaborate on producing information literacy materials that faculty in the social sciences division can incorporate into their class materials and curricula or use in library workshops. The team consists of a history/ gender studies faculty member,  the head of the writing center, who is an English faculty member responsible for teaching English 127: Writing in the Social Sciences, and myself. The project came out of separate conversations with social sciences and Eng 127 faculty this quarter where each expressed frustration with their own disciplinary limitations and a wish to understand better the other's disciplinary approach to writing and research. Specifically, the history instructor wanted better skills to guide students through the process of developing researchable paper topics and arguable claims. Over the course of two quarters, our plan would be to discuss, develop, and test IL materials, and share our results with the social sciences faculty in an in-service training.

IL Plan Goals:

We are in the process of writing a new library IL plan, but there are clear ways in which this project relates to both library and campus-wide goals:

• Social sciences faculty are dismayed by the quality of the work they receive from too many of their students. This project enhance student success by providing instructors with tools to teach students the IL skills they need for college.

• The project supports our campus-wide initiative to prepare students to transition to four year academic programs by developing their critical thinking and information literacy skills

• The project supports our library IL goal of integrating information literacy into subject classes and moving IL out of the sole domain of the library.


• The project works well with our outreach goal for information literacy and my role as library liaison to the social sciences 

• The project supports campus-wide learning outcomes by targeting student writing skills



Our goal is to produce worksheets and handouts that address the following:

Project: Developing the Critical Thinking Skills of Information Literacy

I: Getting started on research:

•              Understanding the cycle of information - what sources for what kinds of information

•              Using reference for background

•              Developing and honing a topic

•              Identifying and working with keywords

II: Using sources in a paper:

•              How to incorporate ideas, words, data into one’s own argument

•              Selecting judiciously that which will make one’s own arguments stronger

•              Definitions and examples of plagiarism

•              In-text citation

III: Evaluating information: 

•              What is an academic resource?

•              Deep web/academic databases vs. the Internet

•              Smarter searching

•              Asking the questions –

•              Is this the right information for my purposes?

•              Is this an academic resource? Why does it belong in an academic paper?

•              What is the bias or point of view?

•              What is the purpose of the information?

•              Who is the audience?

•              How does it compare to other info on the topic?

•              Is it current?

•              Did the person who wrote it have expertise in the area?

IV: Creating an Evaluative Annotated bibliography:

•              Identifying and summarizing the core information in a text or the information used from a text

•              Identifying the perspective/bias

•              Articulating the function of that information in the paper

V: Comparing and Synthesizing Information:

•              Working with texts that take different points of view on a shared topic and synthesizing the differing or competing information into a whole             



Part of our task will be to develop an assessment rubric for social science assignments that explicitly highlights information literacy goals and outcomes. I would use or adapt the PILR IL rubric. Having social sciences faculty adopt or integrate the materials we develop into their courses would in and of itself be one marker of success, but to gauge the effectiveness of the materials, we would ask participating faculty to assess student papers and oral presentations using the IL rubric. We would ask them to share results with us and to address any noticeable differences in the quality of student work compared to previous quarters.


We're asking for the full amount of $1300. At the hourly rate of $35, the funding would be used to pay the two faculty members for their time and provide a $50.00 stipend to social science faculty for their participation in a concluding workshop. The social sciences division has 13 full-time faculty and an additional 15-20 adjunct faculty each quarter. Adjunct faculty do not generally attend in-service day trainings in large numbers.

Total Request:


Other Comments:

Part of the goal of this project is to engage the social science faculty in a conversation about information literacy and to make headway on collaborating with them in instruction. Many faculty feel very pressed for time and unable to bring their classes in for instruction. Developing materials that they can use to help their students with the research process and really integrating information literacy into their courses is a great alternative.



Requested 12/15/2011 1:33:13 PM

Janine Odlevak

Spokane Community College Library

Other Participants:

We are proposing two projects to be carried out with two different departments:

A. Biology faculty: Mathea Sapp & Erin Griffin

(Linda Keys - Librarian)

B. Applied Education faculty: Dennie Carlson (chair), Lannie MacAndrea, Kelly Roberton, Dennis Reardon, Kelly Malcolm

(Janine Odlevak and Nancy Coffey - Librarians)

Project Description:

We are proposing two projects to be carried out with two different departments:

A. Biology 160 (General Biology with Lab 5cr) - Curriculum revision to include IL. Biology 160 manual is being revised and IL will be included. Winter is planning period. Spring is piloting period.

B. Applied Education 121 (Applied Written Communication 4cr) - Planning with APLED faculty to create a standardized IL component which all APLED students will complete. Planning: Winter; Piloting: Spring.

IL Plan Goals:

The objective for both projects is to continue our collaboration with faculty and discipline departments for the purpose of infusing IL into the college curriculum both horizontally (basic IL skills for all students) and vertically (advancing IL skill beyond the basics for upper level courses and tailoring IL skills to the profession).


A. Curriculum revision will take the form of creating scaffolded IL learning activities which will be integrated into the Biology 160 manual. (This manual is used in all the Biology 160 courses.) We will pilot our project in Spring and revise afterward. The project is planned to include pre- and post-testing of piloted students' skills, and instruction for discipline faculty on teaching IL within their course.

B. After regular planning meetings with APLED faculty, we will develop a standardized IL component for the APLED 121 course, Applied Written Communication. We will pilot in at least 1 class during Spring, then revise after feedback from faculty and students. Pre- and post-tests are planned and instruction for discipline faculty on teaching the IL activity in their course.


Round two adds four Biology faculty who will pilot the Biology IL component by receiving training from the curriculum planners and librarian, teaching, and assessing learning. They will then report back to planners and librarian in order to inform our project analysis and revision.




A. We will have successfully completed writing IL activities into the BIOL160 manual during collaboration with discipline faculty. Pre- and post-tests of students will show data of change in skill.  We will continue collaborations with faculty to fine tune the teaching/assessment tools we create.

B. We will have successfully completed creating a standardized IL component which faculty will all use in all APLED 121 courses. Pre- and post-tests of students will show data of change in skill. We will continue collaborations with faculty to fine tune the teaching/assessment tools we create.


A. Biology : In order to more fairly compensate planners for their time, we are requesting an additional $25 each for the following faculty. This will bring the final stipend to $250 instead of the current $225:
- Mathea Sapp (+$25)
- Erin Griffin (+$25)

$100 each for four faculty to undergo training, pilot the project, and provide a feedback report to the planners:
- Suzanne Bassett ($100)
- Brenda McCracken ($100)
- Susan Butler  ($100)
- Mukti Ryan  ($100)

B. Applied Education: In order to more fairly compensate planners for their time, we are requesting an additional $20 each for the following faculty. This will bring the final stipend to $150 instead of the current $130:
- Dennie Carlson (chair)  (+$20)
- Lannie MacAndrea  (+$20)
- Kelly Roberton  (+$20)
- Dennis Reardon  (+$20)
- Kelly Malcolm (+$20)


Total Request:

1300 + $550 = 1850

Other Comments:

If money is available for Phase Two review of grant proposals, we intend to ask for money to fund piloting of our Biology IL project. It is likely that the entire Biology faculty will run these pilots, so we were unable to afford stipends for them in this round one proposal review.


Because we are conducting two projects under one grant, both of which add standardized IL instruction at a departmental level, our round one request underpaid the project planners for both Biology and APLED. We are asking for slightly additional funds for planners in order that planners may be more adequately compensated for the project as a whole.




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