
Dipping into ACRL Immersion

Page history last edited by Lynn Kanne 13 years, 5 months ago

Dipping into ACRL Immersion: Advancing Information Literacy
hrough Good Teaching and Program Design


July 30 - August 1, 2011
Pack Forest Center for Sustainable Forestry in Eatonville, Washington 



To register, please email the coordinator, Lynn Kanne at lkanne@sccd.ctc.edu


Faculty librarians and interested discipline faculty from the Washington CTCs are invited to register for this customized ACRL Immersion program designed and facilitated by faculty of ACRL's National Immersion programs. Others may register if space is available.


Registration, travel, meals and lodging provided by LSTA Grant Funds for WA-CTC librarians and discipline faculty. Participants must have the approval of the library administrator for their college. We hope to involve as many colleges as possible. 


Stipends & Reimbursements. Available for CTC librarians and faculty who participate in this event outside of other paid hours and respond to the post-Immersion survey by August 15, 2011. The following stipend rates apply: Saturday: $90, Sunday: $180, Monday: $180. Reimbursement is also available for travel expenses related to this event. We request that each college send only one reimbursement form. Please use U.S. mail for reimbursement requests. Deadline: August 15, 2011.


Register early. Pack Forest offers a variety of shared housing options, including cabins and dorms. Participants who require other housing options my opt to stay in a nearby hotel at their own expense.
Housing will be assigned according to your preference in the order of registrations received.


Program Description 

Plenary sessions will focus on program design and planning. Participants will dip into selected topics based on their program needs and interests. Participants are expected to attend the entire program. The schedule will include time to enjoy the lovely surroundings of Pack Forest area and maybe a few recreational surprises.


Participants will select one of the following tracks:


Track A: Student Centered Teaching:  This track focuses on you as a teacher. It will include sessions on student-centered learning and classroom activities, designing instruction so that it speaks to the full range of learners on the Kolb learning cycle, assessment of student learning, teaching to outcomes, managing content. You will have working time to update at least one classroom session you currently teach to reflect these new concepts.


Track B: Developing/Updating Your Information Literacy Plan:  This track focuses on the info lit plan for the library. Sessions will focus on what's in a plan, examine the strengths and challenges of the current library information literacy plan, cultural change in higher ed and what the library needs to do to adapt, leadership, advocacy, how to examine student learning assessment data at the program level to tell the library's story, and general program level assessment.  You will have working time to update or draft an entirely new information literacy plan.  Multiple folks from your school are welcome to work collaboratively in this track to design the plan.



  • Designing and implementing an information literacy plan
  • Classroom and information literacy program assessment
  • Being an authentic teacher
  • Developing a philosophy of teaching
  • Emerging concepts of information literacy
  • Advocacy - Telling your library’s story
  • Using Active Learning Strategies and Presentation Techniques
  • Collaborating with discipline faculty



Saturday July 30 - starting at noon with evening activities

Sunday July 31 - all day workshop with evening activities

Monday August 1 - ending by 3 p.m.



Deb Gilchrist, Dean of Libraries and Institutional Effectiveness, Pierce College

John Holmes, UWILL Coordinator/Reference Librarian, University of Washington

Beth Woodard, Central Information Services Librarian/ Staff Development and Training CoordinatorUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Karen Williams, Associate University Librarian, University of Minnesota


Registered (as of July 13, 2011)


First Name Last Name Track Choice Institution Name
David Oar program Bellevue College
Cadi Russel-Sauve teacher Bellevue College
Myra Van Vactor program Bellevue College
Jane Blume program Bellingham Technical College
Traci Collins program Bellingham Technical College
Addie Johansen program C.C. of Spokane - Institute for Extended Learning
Julie Planchon Wolf program Cascadia CC & UW Bothell
Nia Lam teacher Cascadia Community College
Beth Sanderson program Cascadia Community College
Dale Carroll teacher Centralia College
Sue Gallaway program Centralia College
Lily Kun teacher Centralia College
Margaret Snyder teacher Centralia College
Michelle Bagley program Clark College
Andrea Bullock teacher Clark College
Sue Phelps program Clark College
Lori Wamsley program Clark College
Melissa McBurney program Columbia Basin College
Drew Proctor teacher Columbia Basin College
Ying Yu teacher Columbia Basin College
Heather Sheppard teacher Cornish College of the Arts Library
Teresa Jones teacher Everett Community College
Adrienne Roush teacher Grays Harbor College
Emily Waugh teacher Grays Harbor College
Katy Dichter teacher Green River Community College
Jody Segal teacher Green River Community College
Mike Wood program Green River Community College
Jonathan Betz-Zall teacher Highline Community College
Freeda Brook program Highline Community College
Jeff Kempe teacher King County Library System
Amber Slaven teacher King County Library System
Andrea GillaspySteinhilper teacher Lower Columbia College
Susan James teacher Lower Columbia College
Elinor Appel program North Seattle Community College
Aryana Bates program North Seattle Community College
Sharon Simes program North Seattle Community College
Michael Hesson teacher Olympic College
Sue Cole teacher Pierce College
Christie Flynn program Pierce College
Deb Gilchrist n/a Pierce College
Beth Thoms Program Pierce College
Debbie Crumb teacher Renton Technical College
Laura Staley teacher Renton Technical College
Lynn Kanne program Seattle Central
Bruce McKenna teacher Seattle Central Community College
Deanna Sukkar teacher Seattle Central Community College
Denise  Vaughn teacher Seattle Central Community College
Chari McRill teacher Skagit Community College
Mindy Coslor program Skagit Valley College
Linda Hendrick teacher Skagit Valley College
Susan Kent teacher Skagit Valley College
Margret Mills teacher Skagit Valley College
Nono  Burling teacher South Puget Sound Community College
Randall Nelson teacher South Seattle Community College
Susan  Butler teacher Spokane Community College
Mary Carr program Spokane Community College
Kelly Roberton teacher Spokane Community College
Shusmita Sen program Spokane Community College
Susan Vetter teacher Spokane Community College
Janine Odlevak program Spokane Community College Library
Mary Ann  Goodwin program Spokane Falls CC 
Sharon Winters program Tacoma Community College
Beth Woodard n/a University of Illiniois
Karen Williams n/a University of Minnesota
John Holmes n/a University of Washington
Rebecca Bliquez program University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia Community College
Jessica Salvador program Walla Walla Community College
Quill West program Walla Walla Community College
Kim Dillon teacher Washougal School DIstrict
Andrew Tudor program Wenacthee Valley College
Barbara Oldham teacher Wenatchee Valley College
Tria Skirko program Wenatchee Valley College at Omak
Sally Sheedy teacher Whatcom Community College
Kiki  Tommila program Whatcom Community College
Joan Weber program Yakima Valley Community College




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