
IL Outcomes for Rising Juniors

Page history last edited by Lynn Kanne 13 years, 5 months ago


Statement of Purpose

These outcomes are being created to serve as a model for CTC libraries. They will articulate general information literacy outcomes for students intending to transfer as juniors to 4-year institutions. As the resources below demonstrate, much longer documents are needed to fully describe IL. This document is meant to provide a brief discussion piece to support a larger curriculum planning.



The Reflect-Learn-Connect model (based originally on the Big 6) forms basis with additional content added to accommodate IL outcomes, such as ethical use of information, that span the research process. Because research is a recursive process, these outcomes may intersect and overlap. Individual libraries are encouraged to adapt the outcomes for their needs.



These outcomes are presented to help librarians and other faculty consider the collective outcomes that form Information Literacy as they design learning experiences for their students. No single assignment can assess for all of the outcomes, but assignments can be designed to produce artifacts that show student learning related to selected outcomes.




Students can/behaviors

Identify when and why information is needed

  • Form a research question, define a problem, or identify a task
  • Determine what type(s) and how much information is needed
  • Determine how information will be used
  • Revise the question, problem, or task as needed during the research process
  • Seek help for understanding an information need
  • Assess own knowledge with respect to an information need

Form a research plan and revise as needed

  • Identify disciplines likely to produce needed information
  • Place a topic in its broader and/or narrower context as appropriate to a task
  • Select appropriate publication types and formats
  • Identify audience and purpose of information sources
  • Select tools and resources that lead to needed information  
  • Revise overall search strategy, search tools, information types, and keywords as needed to complete the task

Conduct effective searches using appropriate tools

  • Effectively use search tools, such as the library catalog, periodical databases, and web search engines
  • Develop and revise search vocabulary, including synonyms and broader and narrower terms
  • Apply appropriate search techniques, such as Boolean logic and truncation
  • Use tables of contents, indexes, database features, and other tools to facilitate searches
  • Use information in search results, such as keywords, article titles, and subject headings to refine and improve search results 

Analyze content to choose the best information for the need

  • Determine relevance of information found as it relates to the topic
  • Revise overall search strategy, search tools, information types, and keywords as needed to complete the task
  • Apply appropriate reading strategies, including browsing, skimming, selective reading, and close analysis
  • Summarize information and findings to assess whether and where to continue searching

Evaluate information based on multiple criteria

  • Determine authority of a source by considering qualifications, reputation, and other factors for authors and publishers; match authority to information need 
  • Analyze how factors, such as bias and currency that may affect the usefulness of a source
  • Articulate how the complex nature of a source influences decisions about whether and how to use it 

Use information 

  • Manage and track information sources 
  • Complete assignment requirements with information found.
  • Use information legally and ethically
  • Use information to create and articulate new knowledge or understanding
  • Cite sources correctly according to an appropriate citation style

Advocate for personal access to information

  • Seek assistance from librarians and other sources of support as needed
  • Take initiative as an information user by applying skills and knowledge to new information tools and resources 
  • Act with awareness of ethical, social, political, and economic issues that influence access to information



ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

RCN Competences Finding, Using, and Managing Information (pdf)

Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards and Practice



Emily Wood, Katy Dichter, and Lynn Kanne drafted the original outcomes. Many thanks to Andrea Gillaspy, Deb Moore, and Quill West for review, feedback, and suggestions.



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