
PILR Pre-college Information Literacy Research

Page history last edited by Lynn Kanne 12 years, 4 months ago

Project Description

Research sites will identify information literacy learning outcomes, design instruction and assignments, and use standardized rubrics to assess student learning in pre-college courses. Sites will collect and report data to document student achievement of IL outcomes. Data will be used to explore the impact of IL instruction on achievement and transition for pre-college students.

A limited number of teams will be selected for winter and spring 2010. Priority is given to proposals that:

  • Demonstrate previous experience and/or collaborations with information literacy
  • Reach the greatest number of students at multiple pre-college levels
  • Involve multiple pre-college faculty


PILR Findings

Findings and data from the PILR project will be available after October 31, 2012.


More Information


To participate starting winter or spring 2011:

Submit application by November  30, 2010 for projects beginning winter 2011. Additional proposals will be considered after Feb. 11, 2011. Download Application


Research Question

How does/Does information literacy make a contribution to overall learning and transition for pre-college students?

  1. Develop/find methods for integrating IL into pre-college programs (phase I)
  2. Seek evidence to support the hypothesis that IL instruction makes a difference in overall learning and transition for pre-college students. (phase II)



  • Information literacy is an accepted learning outcome
  • Library can make a contribution to achieving information literacy
  • Achievement of information literacy needs to start in developmental education (pre-college programs)
  • Collaborative efforts by the library and developmental education is a viable way to achieve information literacy



Each group will participate for four quarters as follows. New groups may begin each quarter as funding allows:

  • Plan and test assignments/assessment
  • Implement assignments and enter first dataset
  • Revise assignments, implement again, and enter second dataset
  • Final revisions, Implement again, and enter third dataset; review & analyze results


Participating teams agree to:

  • Participate for 4 quarters: one planning quarter followed by three quarters of implementation as described above
  • Plan IL intervention and assessment for at least one course per pre-college faculty participant; each course must include at least one assignment to address selected IL learning outcomes; additional assignments are recommended.
  • Use the integrated assignment template and rubrics provided by the PILR Committee. Rubric (current version as of 10.18.2010)
  • Use the IL planning template to develop an instruction and assessment plan for the integrated assignment.
  • Collect and analyze assessment data and produce a research report. Use this form to report your data.
  • Track IL learning outcome achievement for individual students
  • Share findings/experiences through a workshop or Elluminate session and mentor others when possible
  • Participate in 3rd quarter progress check using recorded data and comparing with existing student data
  • Administer standard questions to students regarding the instruction
  • Respond to instructor survey quarterly
  • Provide deliverables:
    • By the end of the first quarter, provide a plan that describes the courses, learning  outcomes, levels, and assignments, and assessment strategies  to be used in implementation quarters
    • At the end of quarters 2, 3, 4: provide qualitative description and enter assessment data for identified learning outcomes into database


A  “team” consists of one librarian and one or more pre-college faculty. A college may have multiple teams with up to 6 faculty/librarian participants total (e.g., 4 pre-college faculty and 2 librarians or 5 pre-college faculty and 1 librarian). The number of librarians participating must not exceed the number of pre-college faculty.


Team Leader Team Identifier
Intial Quarter
Lower Columbia Andrea Gillaspy Steinhilper LCC-A1 winter 2010
Pierce - Ft. Steilacoom Sarah Frye PCFS-A1 winter 2010
South Seattle Esther Sunde SSCC-A1 winter 2010
South Seattle Shireen Deboo SSCC-A2 winter 2010
Skagit Valley Margret Mills

SVC-A1 (McRill)

SVC-A2 (Kent)

winter 2010
Clover Park Elaine Holster CPTC-B1 spring 2010
Lake Washington Cheyenne Roduin LWTC-B1 spring 2010
Pierce - Puyallup Beth Thoms PCP-B1 spring 2010
Wenatchee Valley Barbara Oldham WVC-B1 spring 2010
Whatcom Robin Angeley WCC-B1 spring 2010
Walla Walla Quill West WWCC-C1 fall 2010
Walla Walla Stacy Prest WWCC-C2 fall 2010
Columbia Basin Ying Yu CBC-C1 fall 2010
Columbia Basin Drew Proctor CBC-C2 fall 2010
Highline Karen Fernandez HCC-C1 fall 2010
Highline Dana Franks HCC-C2 fall 2010
Highline Deb Moore
HCC-C3 fall 2010
Lower Columbia
Susan James




winter 2011
Green River
Katy Dichter



winter 2011
Traci Collins



winter 2011
Jane Blume BTC-D3
winter 2011
Myra Van Vactor





spring 2011
Seattle Central  Sharon Spence-Wilcox 




spring 2011 




Nov. 20, 2009

Workshop for CTC librarians and interested pre-college faculty. Applicants are encouraged (but not required) to attend. Note: This workshop is full. Contact lkanne@sccd.ctc.edu to be added to the waiting list.

Nov.  25, 2009

Notify project coordinator of intent to apply

Dec.  4, 2009

Submit this proposal; Groups A and B teams selected and notified by December 10, 2009

Winter 2010

Group A teams start, Quarter 1 (A1)

Jan. 15, 2010 PILR Research Team orientation via Elluminate 2-4 p.m. Listen to recorded session or view PowerPoint slides.
March 24, 2010 Post documents on the deliverables page. and stipend reimbursement requests (by April 9) to LSTA Coordinator
June 3, 2010 Rubric norming Session with Megan Oakleaf. Details TBA.

Spring 2010

A2, B1 (Group B teams start); Submit RFPs for 2010-11; select and notify teams by end of spring 2010

May 21, 2010 Deadline to apply PILR teams (Group C teams) to begin in fall 2010
June 18, 2010 Link required documents on the deliverables page. and stipend reimbursement requests to LSTA Coordinator

Summer 2010

Review and analyze first set of data from Group A

Fall 2010

A3, B2, C1 (Group C teams start)

Winter 2011

A4, B3, C2, D1 (Group D teams start)

Spring 2011

B4, C3, D2, E1 (Group E teams start.  Continue as funding allows – up to group E).



Funding is available for a maximum of 6 participants per college/site. Participants receive a quarterly stipend, which will be processed when all team deliverables have been received:

  • Quarter 1: $450 per participant; Quarters 2, 3, and 4: $350 per participant per quarter
  • Maximum per site/college  over 4 quarters: $9,000; maximum per person: $1,500


All funding is contingent on renewed funding for years 3 and 4 of the LSTA grant administered by the Office of the Secretary of State/Washington State Library.


Librarian/Faculty teams from Washington state CTCs are invited to apply to participate in a research project to develop and assess assignments that enhance student learning among pre-college students (basic skills, ESL, and developmental education) by incorporating information literacy (IL) into pre-college curriculum.

Interested teams should email Lynn Kanne, Grant Coordinator (lkanne@sccd.ctc.edu)



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