
Lower Columbia

Page history last edited by Andrea GillaspySteinhilper 13 years, 8 months ago

Lower Columbia Community College


Authentic Assessment Projects




Winter/Spring 2010 Library Services and Early Childhood Education instructors decided to teach information literacy according to the Reflect-Learn-Connect Rubric in the ECE Practicum.  As an initial effort, we will be teaching IL in Practicums 3 and 4, but in future quarters, it will be offered only in Practium 3. 

The goal of the IL instruction is to prepare students to find appropriate information to use for projects at school, yes, but also as they are providing child care services in the community.  We will teach all aspects – define task; identify options; select sources; analyze content; evaluate; and present findings.  The way we will teach this will be to ask students to prepare an annotated bibliography.  They will need to define a topic, select sources, analyze the content and evaluate the sources.  The presentation will be either the annotated bibliography, or in later quarters, a public presentation.   

Students will also need to understand plagiarism and how to cite sources.  We will include a brief lesson on these topics in the Practicum as well.   



Summary, Spring 2009

English, Lapierre, and Ronish reports were all on evaluating different types of articles.   

BusAd report (Allwine) is on creation of a subject guide and research tutorial.


Winter-Spring 2010, a new project was begun with ECE.  We will be teaching ECE students how to prepare an annotated bibliography in their Practicum classes - how to identify appropriate resources for their practicum research, how to evaluate those resources, and how to cite and annotate them.  Library staff and ECE instructors met in January to determine which classes could best use this information literacy training, and to plan its implementation for Spring quarter.  The initial plan can be accessed here. 


Proposal & Report Supporting Documents


2010 ECE IL Grant Proposal


2010 ECE Instruction Plan  

2010ECE Annotated Bibliography worksheet


English 102 Report 

Lapierre Report

Ronishmini Report 

BusAd report 

2011 Rising Junior Minigrant Report

 Spring 2010  Update on progress of ECE activities. 



 LaPierreLab2  This is the assignment given by the EnvStudies instructor.  AllwineGrading_Rubric_Spring_2009.doc 

This is the assignment and grading rubric of the BusAd instructor.


Powerpoint Slides from June 3 presentation  


Link to Biology Subject Guide


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